Audiology Services
OTO-Tech and Audiology Billing Resources
We received a number of questions regarding the requirements for billing audiology services. In response to these questions, the Academy has developed new resources clarifying CMS’ coding and billing parameters for physicians, auxililary personnel, and audiologists performing audiology diagnostic tests and incident to services.
FAQs on Audiology – Provides clarification and guidance for proper billing of audiologic services.
Clarifying Medicare Audiology Billing Services: Audiology and OTO-Techs – answers questions on audiology billing and what services OTO-techs can bill.
Bundled Codes for Audiological Services – (01/05/2010)
There are three codes for CPT 2010 that have bundled together several audiology tests. These codes were created because the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) discovered that these tests were frequently billed together in the Medicare population. As a result, CMS felt that they were paying multiple times for the pre- and post- work that was included in each of the CPT codes. CMS requested that the American Medical Association (AMA) CPT Editorial Panel and the Relative Value Update Committee (RUC) create bundled codes to address the situation, and to recommend relative values for the codes.