Christian Medical and Dental Associations

Christian Medical and Dental Associations

The Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA) is made up of the Christian Medical Association (CMA) and the Christian Dental Association (CDA). CMDA provides resources, networking opportunities, education and a public voice for Christian healthcare professionals and students. Founded in 1931, CMDA provides programs and services supporting its mission to “change hearts in healthcare” with a current membership of more than 16,000. CMDA promotes positions and addresses policies on healthcare issues; conducts overseas medical evangelism projects; coordinates a network of Christian healthcare professionals for fellowship and professional growth; sponsors student ministries in medical and dental schools; distributes educational and inspirational resources; hosts marriage and family conferences; provides Third World missionary doctors with continuing education resources; and conducts academic exchange programs overseas. By being the “hands of Jesus” to needy people, CMDA seeks to fulfill His Great Commandment (Matthew 22:39; 25:36) and His Great Commission (Matthew 28:19).

Coordinator Contact Information

Misty Carter





Equipment and supply donations accepted. Doctors that have or have had an academic appointment as an associate, assistant or full professor at a medical or dental school are especially encouraged to participate; all participants must be board certified in their specialty.

Typical Service Commitment

1-2 weeks

Clinical Emphasis

  • General Otolaryngology

Language Skills


Seeking Volunteers

  • surgeon_oto

Last Updated: 10/23/2015

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