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Breaking Barriers in Surgery: Surgeons with Physical Disabilities

Breaking Barriers in Surgery: Surgeons with Physical Disabilities

Sunday, September 29 | 9:30 – 10:30 am | MBCC, 219-221

Sunday morning’s EVP/CEO Spotlight Series panel, “Surgeons with Physical Disabilities,” is set to be a transformative discussion on the challenges and triumphs of surgeons practicing with physical impairments. Moderated by Eugene L. Alford, MD, the session will bring together the voices of distinguished panelists Jennifer A. Villwock, MD, John L. Dornhoffer, MD, Chad Ruffin, MD, John M. Schweinfurth, MD, and Jeffrey D. Carron, MD, who will share personal stories of navigating surgery while living with disabilities.

The panel, being held from 9:30 – 10:30 am in MBCC (Convention Center) rooms 219 – 221, will shed light on the often-overlooked narrative of these individuals, their resilience, and the transformative potential of inclusivity in the surgical and broader medical community. As Douglas D. Backous, MD, President of the AAO-HNS/F, and cosponsor of the panel, emphasized in a recent Bulletin column, “After sending a few emails and making several phone calls [to learn more about our members with disabilities], I was overwhelmed by the number of our colleagues who face challenges that qualify under the WHO definition of disability…Many have had to create their own accommodations throughout their careers.”

Attendees will come away with inspiring stories of resilience by surgeons with disabilities who navigate and succeed in a field often characterized by its demanding physical requirements. You will learn about the innovative adaptations and strategies they employ to excel in their roles, and the importance of inclusivity and accessibility in healthcare. Finally, you will learn how these surgeons can add significant value to your department or practice with their resilience, innovation, and added level of empathy for patients, and how they can serve as role models for students and physicians in training.

The discussion tomorrow promises to challenge traditional views of disability in surgery and celebrate the diversity of abilities. Don’t miss this powerful session, as it will undoubtedly redefine your perception of ability and disability in surgery.

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