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What is FLEX?

Q: What is FLEX?
A: FLEX—Focused Lifelong Education Xperience is the Academy’s new flagship education product that launched in September 2020. FLEX replaced the Home Study Course, which was retired on August 6, 2020 after nearly four decades.

Q: Who are the faculty?
A: FLEX is developed by nearly 150 AAO-HNSF Education experts from the Foundation’s Education Committees.

Q. How is FLEX different than the Home Study Course that was retired on August 2020?
A: There are numerous upgrades that FLEX offers when compared with the Home Study Course. FLEX will span across all eight specialty areas throughout the year, instead of once every two years. Each topic will be presented in a variety of creative and contemporary learning modalities. To discover more, visit:

Q: When does the FLEX subscription year begin and end?
A: The subscription launches in September each year; the section release will continue through May of that program year. The 2023-24 subscription course year will close August 31, 2024.

Q: Who is FLEX for?
A: FLEX is designed for all otolaryngologists and advanced practice providers throughout their career. FLEX is a great way to maintain lifelong learning and continuing certification. This new curriculum will especially benefit residents in their training.


Q: What are the registration fees for the 2023-24 subscription year?

A: Physicians and Advanced Practice Providers

  • Early Rates (June 2023 – October 9, 2023): Member: $490 | Non-Member: $850
  • Regular Rates (October 10, 2023 – January 31, 2024): Member: $540 | Non-Member: $950
  • Late Rates (February 1, 2023-April 3, 2023): Member: $625 | Non-Member: $1075

B: Residents

  • Member: $375 | Non-Member: $595
  • Residents: check with your Residency Training Program before proceeding with registration.

Q: If I register after September, are the fees the same?
A: FLEX registration is for the full course year. If one registers later in the academic cycle, they will pay the current tiered rate for the full course year and receive all 8 sections for that given year.

Q: Can a medical student sign-up for FLEX?
A: Medical students can participate in FLEX by first becoming an AAO-HNS member (student membership category) for $30; and then they can then sign-up for FLEX at the Resident Member rate.

Q: How do I register?
A: Registration for the 2023-2024 FLEX Program has closed; please contact [email protected].

**It can take two business days after registration for access to open in OTOLogic.  An access instruction email will be sent when access is available.

Q: What are the registration policies regarding changes and cancellations?
A: Name changes and substitutions are not permitted. All cancellations and refund requests must be made in writing and sent to [email protected]. No refunds will be processed if cancellation is received one month after the purchase date.

FLEX Curriculum

Q: What is the specialty topic section release schedule?
A: The specialty topic section release schedule is:

  • September: Olfactory Disorders
  • October: Early Glottic Carcinoma and Vocal Fold Dysplasia
  • November: Skin Cancers
  • January: Pulsatile Tinnitus
  • February: Cervical Lymphadenopathy
  • March: Outside the Box: Enhancing Your Otolaryngology Practice and Career (March)
  • April: Globus and Chronic Cough
  • May: Facial Reconstruction following Mohs Micrographic Surgery

Q: What is included in each section release?
A: Each topic will be presented in a variety of creative and contemporary learning modalities: podcasts, surgical videos, scientific journal articles, case of the week, table-topic questions—plus access to 100+ courses in the FLEX+ Catalog in OTO Logic. To discover more, view this video.

Q: What materials are included in the 2023-24 FLEX subscription?

A: Physicians and Advanced Practice Providers receive:

  • 8 specialty-topic sections released
  • 100+ individual courses in the FLEX+ Catalog

B: Residents receive:

  • 8 specialty topic sections released
  • 100+ individual courses in the FLEX+ Catalog
  • 350+ webcasts from the AAO-HNSF 2022 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience
  • NEW! OTOQuest Set 2023 – fully integrated into OTOLogic with a new platform and features, 325+ new otolaryngology-head and neck surgery study questions to test recall, interpretation, and problem solving skills.

Q: Will FLEX be the same curriculum year-after-year?
No. Each specialty will identify a new topic/theme each year. Built on a fundamental learning philosophy that the needs and preferences for otolaryngology education will continue to evolve over time—so will the tools provided in the FLEX subscription to ensure they remain timely and relevant for all learners

Learning Experience

Q: How will I access my educational activities each month?
A: Once you register, you will be enrolled into the FLEX “virtual classroom” in – our online learning platform. Beginning in September, the new sections tools will be released following the section release schedule. The entire curriculum developed for that subscription year will be available in your dashboard to conveniently access online 24/7 through August 31.

Q: What is the best way to “experience” FLEX?
A: The OTOLogic website features a fully responsive web design, which allows seamless access across all platforms from an oversized desktop computer monitor, a laptop, or a smaller-screen device such as a smartphone or tablet. For the best OTO Logic browser experience, we recommend utilizing Google Chrome.

For Residency Training Program Directors/Coordinators

Q: I’m a Residency Training Program Director/Coordinator. When should I register my residents?
A: Please contact the FLEX support team to request a How to Registration Guide and your institution’s AAO-HNSF 2023-2024 FLEX Resident Subscription Form. Please return this form no later than August 1st to ensure your residents receive the first section on time. Training Programs may continue to register until April. Once your institutions registration is processed, your residents will receive an enrollment confirmation, and details on how to access the FLEX dashboard.

Q. What options are available to register my residents?
A: There are two options available based on membership status. FLEX is priced 10% lower than the Home Study Course.

Residents Fees

  • Member: $375 | Non-Member: $595
  • AAO-HNS Annual Member Dues: $120
  • Residents: check with your Residency Training Program before proceeding with registration. Access to the online membership application can be located here.

CME and MOC Credit

Q: How much CME credit is included – per subscription and per section?
A: The FLEX annual subscription package includes the opportunity to earn up to 100+ CME/MOC credits AND access to the OTOLogic+ catalog with 100+ additional CME activities. Each section has the opportunity to earn AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

Q: How do I earn credit?
 A: CME/MOC credit is earned when you complete the learning module within the section and the assessment. For each section, here are the steps:

  • xRead: Read the five scientific article and summaries. In order to obtain 5.0 AMA PRA Category 1 credits™, participants must achieve a score of 70% or higher on the assessment (post-test). Credit will not automatically be awarded. Participants will be given three attempts to achieve a passing score.
  • xSVP: Watch the two surgical video procedures and review the written outlines. In order to obtain 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 credits™, participants must complete the assessment. Credit will not automatically be awarded. The assessment requires learners to write a reflective statement.
  • xChat: The purpose of the activity is for the learner to gather with more than one peer to have a table-talk discussion for approximately 45-60 minutes. Questions are provided to springboard the discussion if needed. In order to obtain 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 credits™, participants must complete the assessment. Credit will not automatically be awarded. The assessment requires learners to write a reflective statement.
  • xCase: Each week the learner will be presented a new case challenge to make the proper diagnosis and determine the treatment pathway. In order to obtain 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 credits™, participants must answer the question each day and achieve a correct score of 70% or higher. Credit will not automatically be awarded. Participants will be given three attempts to achieve a passing score.
  • xCast: Learner can listen to the two podcasts at their convenience based on the specialty topic that month. In order to obtain 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 credits™, participants must complete the assessment. Credit will not automatically be awarded. The assessment requires learners to write a reflective statement.
  • xPertsOnDemand: Watch a case-based presentation to dive deeper into the specialty topic. In order to obtain 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 credits™, participants must complete the assessment. Credit will not automatically be awarded. The assessment requires learners to write a reflective statement.

Q. Do I have to complete each section as it’s released that month in order to move onto the next?
A: There is no enforced sequencing. The learner can participate in active sections at any time. The same applies for the modules included in that section. Learners who register after the start of the FLEX program will receive access to all sections available at the time of their registration.

Q. Does the CME credit I earn for FLEX count for MOC credit?
A: Yes. The CME credit you earn counts for MOC. Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to meet the expectations of the American Board of Otolaryngology’s Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. It is the AAO-HNSF’s responsibility as CME activity provider to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of recognizing participation.

Q. Where do I find my credit earned?
A: Your credit earned will be recorded under your “My Transcript” tab in OTOLogic. Your official transcript is instantly available and contains a list of all of the education courses you have completed through OTOLogic to document your CME/MOC activities annually.


Q:  How do I share feedback?
A: We are eager to learn how we can support our learners and improve your experience. Please contact us via email at [email protected].

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