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Post-Award Deliverables & Expectations

Post-Award Deliverables & Expectations

If your project receives funding, you will receive a notification letter and your terms and conditions contract. The terms and conditions contract outlines the need to submit a 6-month progress report, a final progress report, and a final financial report to your ProposalCentral account. A deliverables schedule will be added to your ProposalCentral account so you will be aware of when these documents are due. You will be able to upload the report documents to your account. Templates are available at the bottom of the deliverables page. Requirements for each mechanism do vary, so please refer to the “Reporting Requirements” section of the Funding Opportunity Announcement for the mechanism you were awarded to be sure you are in compliance.

Interim Progress Report

The interim progress report is a brief assessment of your project’s accomplishments and limitations from the first half of the award period. The form is completed after the initial six months (for one-year projects), or after one year (for two-year projects). Upload the completed report by the date specified in your deliverables schedule.

Final Progress Report

The final progress report is similar to the Interim Progress Report. Recipients are required to submit a final progress report within thirty (30) days of the end of the grant period. At a minimum, you will want to include a summary of progress toward the originally stated aims, methods, and results. Upload the completed report by the date specified in your deliverables schedule.

Financial Status Report

Recipients are required to submit a financial status report within ninety (90) days of the end of the grant period. Any portion of the grant unexpended at the completion of the project or at the end of the period, and any authorized extensions thereof, shall be returned to the funding society within fifteen (15 days). The financial status report is usually created through your institution’s grants and contracts office. The report is a statement of expenditures. The report should include grant information, the period of award, and a summary of transactions. Upload the completed report by the date specified in your deliverables schedule.

Budget Modifications

After a grant or contract has been awarded, the approved budget allocations are not always consistent with actual project needs. You may request the reallocation of funds from one spending category to another category that better reflects your project requirements. This process is called budget modification. The alteration between budget categories does not change the total research dollars for the project. If you intend to submit a budget modification, please state in detail how the requested action will benefit your program. Include details on why (or how) the funds are available for rebudget. Please also provide an updated budget justification form detailing these changes. Email the letter to [email protected] to facilitate your request.

No Cost Extension

A no cost extension allows the grant recipient to extend the period of the award term. The extension may be no longer than six months past the original end of the project period. Requests for extension of the grant period must be submitted in writing by the Principal Investigator no later than one month prior to the end of the grant period. No additional funding will be provided by the foundation for an extended period. Email the letter to [email protected] to facilitate your request.

If you have additional questions, contact [email protected] for assistance.

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