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Virtual International Visiting Scholarship

Virtual International Visiting Scholarship

The 2021 application cycle is currently closed. Please check back in January 2022 for the 2022 application cycle.

Anticipating that current travel restrictions and the temporary pause of many international observership opportunities at U.S. medical institutions/departments of otolaryngology will continue into the foreseeable future, we realize that it may be hard for applicants to meet both criteria of the International Visiting Scholarship (IVS) program (in-person observership and travel to the Annual Meeting in Los Angeles). The AAO-HNS Virtual IVS includes a waiver for Annual Meeting & OTO Experience registration fees and a one-year trial membership of the AAO–HNS. There is  no monetary award since there would be no travel to the U.S.

Prerequisites for participation in the AAO-HNS Virtual IVS program:
  • IVS applicants must have an identified mentor/host site
  • The applicant can choose a mentor at a U.S. medical institution/department of otolaryngology that will grant you access to their institutional virtual educational lectures (e.g., weekly resident lectures and/or grand rounds) for a period to time, in lieu of an in-person observership this year
  • The applicant must reach out in advance to confirm that the mentor/institution can accept them
  • If the applicant does not have a mentor, the AAO-HNS has a list of mentors that the applicant may consider (the applicant must contact mentor in advance).
AAO-HNS Virtual IVS: Frequently Asked Questions

I have a mentor at a U.S. medical institution/department of otolaryngology that will grant me access to its institutional virtual educational lectures (e.g., weekly resident lectures and/or grand rounds) for a period to time, in lieu of an in-person Observership this year. How do I apply for the AAO-HNS Virtual IVS?

Complete the AAO-HNS Virtual IVS application and submit via email to [email protected]. ALL DOCUMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ENGLISH TOGETHER AS A SINGLE PDF FILE. The deadline was May 1.

As a Resident, Fellow-in-Training, or Member-in-Training, can I apply for the AAO-HNS Virtual IVS grant?
No, if you are still studying in an otolaryngology program you are not eligible.

If I receive the AAO-HNS Virtual IVS, can I apply for the in-person IVS next year?
Yes, we realize that the AAO-HNS Virtual IVS is different than the opportunity for an in-person observership and ability to attend the AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting & OTO Experience.

I received an IVS in prior years; can I apply to the AAO-HNS Virtual IVS?
No, you are not eligible for the AAO-HNS Virtual IVS.

Can you advise me on finding an observership?
The first step in the process of applying for a virtual IVS is to choose a mentor at a U.S. medical institution/department of otolaryngology that will grant you access to its institutional virtual educational lectures (e.g., weekly resident lectures and/or grand rounds) for a period to time, in lieu of an in-person Observership this year. The applicant must reach out in advance to confirm that the mentor/institution can accept them. If the applicant does not have a mentor, the AAO-HNS has a list of mentors that the applicant may consider (the applicant must contact mentor in advance).

What does the selection panel look for in an application?
The panel gives weighted scores to personal statement, letters of support, and curriculum vitae. The panel looks for your prior experiences, preparedness, ability to make an impact, and motivation/plans for short-term virtual mentor arrangement and educational lecture series.

How should I follow up my application?
We will notify you on receipt of your emailed application package, including any questions about missing documents. Late applications cannot be reviewed because the selection committee will be working to finalize the awardees quickly.

When will I be notified?
The applications go to the panel for review immediately after the deadline, and the notifications are sent out by mid- June

Will I receive $2,000 for the AAO-HNS Virtual IVS?
There would be no monetary award since there would be no travel to the U.S. or participation in an in-person observership.

If I do not receive the AAO-HNS Virtual IVS, what should I do?
The AAO-HNS Virtual IVS is highly competitive, so not every applicant is successful. You are welcome to apply again at a future date.

Questions? To learn more about the International Visiting Scholarship, please email [email protected].

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