CPT for ENT: Lingual Tonsillectomy (CPT 42870) and Adenoidectomy
CPT for ENTsQ: Can I report CPT 42870 Excision or destruction lingual tonsil, any method and the codes for adenoidectomy, CPT 42830, 42831, 42835, and 42836 on the same da…
What is FLEX?Q: What is FLEX?A: FLEX—Focused Lifelong Education Xperience is the Academy’s new flagship education product that launched in September 2020. FLEX…
AAO-HNS 2023 Workforce and Socioeconomic Survey
Academy members who are U.S. practicing physicians, retired, fellows, or residents were emailed a reminder to take the Academy-sponsored survey created by the …
Position Statement: Efficacy of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Programs
Position StatementThe American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) has long recognized the critical nature of timely universal newborn infant hearing scre…
Position Statement: Button and Coin Battery Technology
Position StatementOpportunity to eliminate preventable harm: Industry must adopt a new safe button or coin cell battery technology that will not cause severe injury inside the b…
American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and its Foundation Announce Douglas D. Backous, MD, as the New President
News, Press ReleaseFor Immediate Release:Contact [email protected], Virginia— Douglas D. Backous, MD, became the new President of the American Academy of Otolaryngolo…
CORE Grant Tips
GrantPrepare to Apply - Start Early!Get InformedThe CORE Grants application process requires close coordination between investigators and grants administrators. Wor…
NEW: Eugene N. Myers, MD Global Education Fund
GrantThe AAO-HNSF is proud to announce the launch of the Eugene N. Myers, MD Global Education Fund to benefit the continuing education needs of otolaryngologists pr…
The Latest in Science and Medical Advancement in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery to be Presented at AAO-HNSF Annual Meeting
News, Press ReleaseFor Immediate Release:Contact [email protected], Virginia — The latest research and advances in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery will be presen…
Learn about the Governing Council Candidates
Take a look at the SRF, WIO, and YPS Governing Council candidates! Online voting by section members registered for the AAO-HNSF 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO E…
Coalition Letter to Cigna Modifier-25
April 18, 2023David CordaniChairman and Chief Executive OfficerThe Cigna Group900 Cottage Grove RoadBloomfield, CT 06002Dear Mr. Cordani:On behalf of the under…
Position Statement: Cochlear Implantation for Single Sided Deafness in Adults
Position StatementPatients with asymmetric or unilateral sensory hearing loss struggle with speech perception in noise and sound source localization due to loss of binaural cues…
Position Statement: Cochlear Implantation for Single Sided Deafness in Children
Position StatementChildren with unilateral sensorineural hearing loss experience problems with sound localization, speech perception in noise, and increased auditory effort due …
Position Statement: Nasal Valve Repair
Position StatementThe American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery recognizes surgical repair of the nasal valve as a distinct surgical procedure that can improve na…
International Travel Grant to the Annual Meeting
GrantThe 2023 International Travel Grant Program for travel to the 2023 Annual Meeting & OTO Experience in Nashville, TN, September 30 – October 4, 2023 has clo…
Position Statement: PNN Ablation for the Treatment of Chronic Rhinitis
Position StatementChronic rhinitis is a common condition that affects about 60 million Americans, and presents with symptoms of nasal congestion, rhinorrhea/postnasal drip, nasa…
Position Statement: Drug-Eluting Sinus Implants
Position StatementThe American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery supports the use of drug-eluting implants in the management of mucosal inflammation of the paranas…
Position Statement: Fiberoptic/Flexible Endoscopic Examinations of Swallowing (FEES)
Position StatementFiberoptic endoscopic examination of swallowing (FEES) is a well-established diagnostic procedure medically indicated for diagnosis, treatment planning, and mo…