How Do I Know if I am Competitive for ENT Residency? A Program Director’s Point of View
ArticlesCHARLES R. WOODARD, MD, PROGRAM DIRECTOR, DUKE UNIVERSITYResidency selection represents an important process, not only for the program, but it is also one of t…
Fellowships: Are They the Right Career Path for You
ArticlesA CONVERSATION WITH SIDHARTH V. PURAM, MD, PHDSince 2000, the number of medical and surgical resident graduates seeking subspecialty training has nearly triple…
Fellowship Applications: Navigating the Process
ArticlesAN INTERVIEW WITH CHRIS KIELISZAK, DO, CURRENT FELLOW-IN-TRAININGFor Chris Kieliszak, DO, and other residents, the choice between applying for a fellowship or …
Fatherhood and Otolaryngology
ArticlesBY R. ALEX HARBISON, MD, MSConsidering a career in otolaryngology is a big decision. The thought of doing so with a family during training can seem impossible.…
Position Statement: Pediatric Habilitation Following Cochlear Implantation
Position StatementThe American Academy of Otolaryngology‐Head and Neck Surgery endorses the American Cochlear Implant (ACI) Alliance’s position paper on Pediatric Habilitation F…
Position Statement: Ototoxicity
Position StatementOtotoxicity refers to injury of the inner ear as the result of exposure to chemicals or medications. When use of an ototoxic medication is medically necessary …
ENT Practice: The Patient Team and the Otolaryngologist-Head and Neck Surgeon Role
ArticlesAN INTERVIEW WITH ANDREW REDMANN, MDWhat other non-physician professionals does an otolaryngologist work closely with?Otolaryngologists work with a variety of …
Commonly Asked Interview Questions
Positions Statement: Otology/Neurotology
Position StatementThe American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery recognizes that after general surgical training an otolaryngology resident spends four years being…
Position Statement: Minimal Test Battery for Cochlear Implants
The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery endorses the concept of the Hearing in Noise Test (HINT) and Consonant-Noise-Consonant (CNC) Test …
Applying for Fellowships: Advice from a Current Fellow-in-Training
ArticlesAN INTERVIEW WITH JAMES NAPLES, MDWhat criteria did you consider when looking at applying for a Fellowship?When looking for fellowships, there are a variety of…
Position Statement: Middle-Ear Ventilation Tube Placement
The American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery recognizes that complications may occur following the placement of middle-ear ventilation tubes.…
Position Statement: Micropressure Therapy
The Equilibrium Committee of the American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery and the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Otolaryngology…
Position Statement: Medical Role in Cerumen Removal
The American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) states that cerumen removal requires mechanical manipulation of the external auditory …
A Day in the Life of an Academic Otolaryngologist Practitioner
ArticlesAN INTERVIEW WITH CRISTINA BALDASSARI, MDWhat is a typical day in the life of an ENT?A typical day in the life of an ENT is challenging and invigorating. An EN…
A Day in the Life of a Private Practitioner
ArticlesAN INTERVIEW WITH DAVID S. COHEN, MDWhat is a typical day in the life of an ENT?Being and ENT surgeon involves a mix of clinical, surgical, research, teaching,…
Position Statement: Management of Otosclerosis
The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery recognizes otosclerosis as a condition of abnormal bone growth that results in a progressive condu…
In-Office Placement of Tubes in Pediatric Patients While Awake
The position of the AAO-HNS is that tympanostomy tubes are safe and effective for managing otitis media in children who meet current guidelines for tube insert…