
  • Sleep Outcome Tool: FOSQ

    Research Outcome Tools

    Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire (FOSQ)DescriptionAssess sleep-related quality of lifeTargeted AgeAdultsItems (Domains)30 (5)Estimated Completion Tim…

  • Sleep Outcome Tool: SAQLI

    Research Outcome Tools

    Calgary Sleep Apnea Quality of Life Index (SAQLI)DescriptionAssesses obstructive sleep apnea-related quality of lifeTargeted AgeAdultsItems (Domains)40 (5)Esti…

  • Rhinology Outcome Tool: RSOM-31

    Research Outcome Tools

    Rhinosinusitis Outcome Measure (RSOM-31)DescriptionMeasure of rhinosinusitis health status and quality of lifeTargeted AgeAdultsItems (Domains)31 (7)Estimated …

  • Rhinology Outcome Tool: RSUI

    Research Outcome Tools

    Rhinitis Symptom Utility Index (RSUI)DescriptionMeasures the severity and frequency of rhinitis related symptoms over 14 daysTargeted AgeAdultsItems (Domains)1…

  • Rhinology Outcome Tool: SN-5

    Research Outcome Tools

    Sinus and Nasal Quality of Life Survey (SN-5)DescriptionAssesses health-related quality of life for children with persistent sinonasal symptomsTargeted AgePedi…

  • Rhinology Outcome Tool: SNOT-20

    Research Outcome Tools

    Sino-Nasal Outcome Test-20 (SNOT-20)DescriptionPatient-reported measure of outcome in sino-nasal disorders such as rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposisTargeted A…

  • Otology Outcome Tool: UCLA-DQ

    Research Outcome Tools

    UCLA Dizziness Questionnaire (UCLA-DQ)DescriptionEvaluates the impact of frequency and severity on the patients' daily activities, on the quality of life, and …

  • Otology Outcome Tool: THI

    Research Outcome Tools

    TINNITUS HANDICAP INDEX (THI)DescriptionAssesses self-reported tinnitus-related handicapTargeted AgeAdultsItems (Domains)25 (N/A)Estimated Completion Time10-15…

  • Otology Outcome Tool: GBI

    Research Outcome Tools

    Glasgow Benefit Inventory (GBI)DescriptionA subjective post-interventional questionnaire especially developed to evaluate any otorhinolaryngological surgery an…

  • Otology Outcome Tool: CES

    Research Outcome Tools

    Chronic Ear Survey (CES)DescriptionProvides information regarding total ear-specific health, as well as subscore information regarding activity restriction, sy…

  • Otology Outcome Tool: APHAB

    Research Outcome Tools

    Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB)DescriptionSelf-reported tool that measures the amount of trouble they are having with communication or noise…

  • Laryngology Outcome Tool: PV-RQOL

    Research Outcome Tools

    Pediatric Voice-Related Quality of Life SurveyDescriptionAssesses voice changes over time in the pediatric populationTargeted AgePediatricsItems (Domains)10Est…

  • Laryngology Outcome Tool: V-RQOL

    Research Outcome Tools

    Voice-Related Quality of Life SurveyDescriptionAssesses dysphonic patients and their treatment outcomesTargeted AgeAdultsItems (Domains)10 (2)Estimated Complet…

  • Laryngology Outcome Tool: VOS

    Research Outcome Tools

    Voice Outcome Survey (VOS)DescriptionEvaluates patient limitations in certain daily activities that require speaking or limitations in their social or work-rel…

  • Laryngology Outcome Tool: VHI-10

    Research Outcome Tools

    Voice Handicap Index-10DescriptionMeasures voice handicap in the general adult populationTargeted AgeAdultsItems (Domains)10 (1)Estimated Completion Time5 minu…

  • Laryngology Outcome Tool: VHI

    Research Outcome Tools

    Voice Handicap Index (VHI)DescriptionQuantifies the psychological consequences of voice disordersTargeted AgeAdultsItems (Domains)30 (3)Estimated Completion Ti…

  • Head and Neck Surgery Outcome Tool: MDADI

    Research Outcome Tools

    MD Anderson Dysphagia Inventory (MDADI)DescriptionSelf-administered questionnaire designed specifically for evaluating the impact of dysphagia on the QOL of pa…

  • Head and Neck Surgery Outcome Tool: UW-QOL-R4

    Research Outcome Tools

    University of Washington Quality of Life Revised Version 4 (UW-QOL-R4)DescriptionProvides basic quality of life data on the physical, functional, emotional qua…

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