Position Statement: Vestibular Rehabilitation
September 23, 2021Vestibular rehabilitation, or Balance Retraining Therapy, is a scientifically based and clinically valid therapeutic modality for the treatment of persistent dizziness and postural instability due to incomplete compensation after peripheral vestibular or central nervous system injury. Vestibular Rehabilitation is a valid form of therapy for…
Position Statment: Tonsil and Adenoid Surgery
September 23, 2021Otolaryngologists use a variety of safe and efficacious techniques and instruments to perform tonsil and adenoid surgery. Based on available data, the AAO-HNS does not find that one technique or instrument is clearly superior. The AAO-HNS supports the discretion of surgeons to determine…
Position Statement: Thyroid and Parathyroid Diseases
September 23, 2021The American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery recognizes that after one year of general surgical training, an otolaryngology resident spends a minimum of four years being educated and trained exclusively in the head and neck region. The normal and abnormal functioning of the…
Intraoperative Cranial Nerve Monitoring In Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
September 23, 2021Otolaryngologists have been trained to perform, interpret, and utilize strategically intraoperative cranial nerve monitoring and nerve stimulation testing, which are surgically applicable to cranial nerves of the head and neck and can serve as effective adjuncts to anatomic knowledge and surgical technique. Revised 01/2018…
Position Statement: Vestibular Myogenic Potential (VEMP) Testing
September 23, 2021The American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery recognizes that Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP) testing is a useful neurophysiologic test and is medically indicated and appropriate in the evaluation of certain persons with suspected auditory and balance or dizziness disorders. Adopted 9/20…
Position Statement: Rotational (Rotary) Chair Testing
September 23, 2021The American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery recognizes that the following tests are medically indicated and appropriate in the evaluation of certain persons with suspected balance or dizziness disorders: Rotational chair step velocity testing Rotational chair sinusoidal harmonic acceleration testing Rotational chair high…
Position Statement: Red Flags-Warning of Ear Disease
September 23, 2021Hearing loss and balance disorders are medical conditions. Only licensed physicians with a medical school degree and medical training (MD or DO) may diagnose and direct the management of diseases and medical disorders. A full history and physical examination by a physician (preferably an…
Position Statement: Cochlear Implants
September 23, 2021The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery considers unilateral and bilateral cochlear implantation as appropriate treatment for adults and children over 9 months of age with moderate to profound hearing loss who have failed a trial with appropriately fit hearing aids. Adopted 7…
Position Statement: Pediatric Otolaryngology
September 23, 2021The American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (ABOHNS), American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (AAO‐HNS) and the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (ASPO) are committed to the highest standards of otolaryngologic care for pediatric patients. The Accreditation Council for…
Position Statement: Hearing Aids
September 23, 2021The American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery states: dispensing of hearing aids, hearing assistive devices and other hearing rehabilitation devices are within the scope of practice for otolaryngologists-head and neck surgeons. Adopted 7/10/1982 Revised 2/4/1989 Submitted for Review 4…
Position Statement: Scope of Practice of Non-Physician Providers
September 23, 2021The American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery supports physician-directed collaborative and coordinated team care. However, all members of the healthcare team (Doctors of Medicine, Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine, and non-physicians) should clearly identify their training and/or credentials to avoid any…
Position Statement: Dilation of sinuses, any method (e.g., balloon, etc.)
September 23, 2021Sinus ostial dilation is a therapeutic option for selected patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) and recurrent acute rhinosinusitis (RARS) who have failed appropriate medical therapy. Clinical diagnosis of CRS and RARS should be based on symptoms of sinusitis and supported by nasal endoscopy documenting sinonasal…
Position Statement: Debridement of the Sinus Cavity after ESS
September 23, 2021Debridement of the sinus cavity is a procedure most commonly performed following endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) as well as for other sinonasal disorders. It involves transnasal insertion of the endoscope for visualization and parallel insertion of various instruments for the purpose of removal of crusting…
Position Statement: Surgeon Performed Neck Ultrasound
September 23, 2021The AAO-HNS supports surgeons performing ultrasound of the head and neck, including ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration for diagnostic purposes. Neck ultrasound is not an extension of the physical exam, but rather a discrete diagnostic procedure. Drafted 11/11/2015 Submitted for Review 11…
Position Statement: Reimbursement for Taking Hospital Call
September 23, 2021Otolaryngologists, through their training in the management of adult and pediatric airway emergencies, facial trauma, foreign bodies and other head and neck emergencies are a vital component of the emergency medical system. Hospitals have a legal obligation to provide screening and stabilization services to…
Position Statement: Cochlear Implant Candidacy for Children with Bilateral Sensorineural Hearing Loss
September 23, 2021Children with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss should be fitted with hearing aids by an experienced audiologist. When using amplification, children should be monitored closely to ensure expected progress according to age appropriate developmental milestones, especially in speech and language. The position of the American Academy…
Position Statement: Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
September 23, 2021Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Overview Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a common disorder involving collapse of the upper airway during sleep. This repetitive collapse may result in sleep fragmentation, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and increased sympathetic activity. OSA has been associated with an increased risk of…
AAO-HNS Comments on CY 2022 HOPPS/ASC Proposed Rule
September 21, 2021On September 17, the AAO-HNS submitted a comment letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on the CY 2022 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (HOPPS)/Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) proposed rule. The Academy’s comments addressed the following issues most significantly impacting…